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-FROM AMBIEN MITCHELL facebook messanger
You precious, ferocious, incredible woman. I am sending you a message of appreciation because in all the mire of Facebook and all the echo chambers and all the screaming and raging, every once in a while I see how you contribute to a thread, I read every word, and I am so moved by your incredible grace, your infinite compassion and your absolute humanity. I am humbled by your greatness and inspired by your insistence that we all believe in the best in each other. You are such a light to me from afar and I don't even need to tell you which thread made me write this message because you do this bad ass rock star shit ALL the time. I wanted to write to say thank you. It is not easy to be on all the time and I'm sure you're not, but it seems like you are truly working tirelessly in your daily life to move us all as a human species a little further along. I appreciate that so much. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for shining your light and your love all over the place, into all those sneaky corners. I hope you are so very, deeply well, and I hope some time I get to see you and squeeze you again, whether in NY or LA or the many places between!! I love you, Alex Marshall-Brown. Thank you for making the world a better, brighter place.
What Of The Night
--Shari Barrett, Broadway World
--Sarah Tuft, Stage Raw
--Mark Hein, Theatre Ghost
--June Carryl, The Chamberpot
Courtesy of State of Joe
Magic Matty
"Note to fellow filmmakers considering making a movie featuring fifteen 7-year-olds: hire actors who know how to entertain children between takes! That's a lesson I learned by accident and one I am very grateful to Alex for having taught me. She's a seriously gifted actor (she conveys character & intention without a single line of dialogue folks!) and I'm so happy she collaborated with us on this little movie."
--Nico Rainau, Director & Project Greenlight Top 10 Finalist
99 Ways to F*ck A Swan
"A stunning actress, powerful, beautiful, with incredible instinct and presence."
--Carly Weckstein, Artistic Director of Illyrian Players
"A gutsy guardian angel - the superb Alex Marshall-Brown, in a small but colorful role!"
-- Les Spindle, Backstage West
Uncle Tom's Cabin
"Alex Marshall-Brown, in the show's most complex performance"
-- Rachel Saltz, NYTimes
--Erik Haagensen, Backstage East
"Alex Marshall-Brown tears into Topsy with explosive force!"
-- Erik Haagensen, Backstage East
--Martin Denton, NY Theatre
"Alex Marshall-Brown found the germ of truth inside Aiken's ornate phrases."
--Michael Feingold, The Village Voice
As Topsy, Alex Marshall-Brown was more ADHD than evil and as the adult Emmeline, convincingly mean spirited.
--Joel Benjamin, Theatre Scene