Written July 7, 2020
So this is currently happening.
I'm sitting in a church yard in noho- across from Tujunga tennis courts. I'm on a blanket in the grass working on my laptop with my notebook out.
Some Noho bike cops ride up to tell me that I'm advised to leave because they got a call that I'm trespassing on private property. There’s no fence, no sign. I’m 8ft away from the sidewalk.
I tell them this is a church.
I tell them I was here earlier this week.
I remind them how ridiculous this request is considering I'm clearly & unobtrusively sitting on grass.
I thank them for doing their jobs. I go nowhere.
Neither do they.
I ask them; next steps?
They say the person who made the call may be inclined to call the Cop cops.
I point out how silly it would be for them to call the cops for a person sitting on grass. Whoever called could just come outside and speak with me directly.
I tell both those latinX men that I get that they are following directions from their boss, but given the way the world is shifting, they should also question how their boss supports racist systems.
They stayed and watched me sit on grass for a while longer as I got back to work. Then they rode away.
Lying in wait for the cops to roll through now. I've seen several drive by since then.
Then these gentlemen walked up!!
(Yes, please share! Yelp, call, & disrupt this racist behavior)
Just after this I had friends appear out of Nowhere to sit with me across the street and bear witness to my experience. I’m so grateful for all of you that joined me!!! We are Legion!!! Thank you to everyone else that reached out to make sure I was ok. I’m brimming over with your show of support.
What a weird world.
This church earned all the negative attention they’re receiving.
WWJD means nothing to them.
St Pauls First Lutheran Church of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
(818) 763-2892
CHURCH EMAIL: church@stpaulsfirst.org
This first video is the full length version of what I experienced.
This second video is the edited version my friend posted to TikTok
TYT Network did a great job of breaking down the experience and identifying the absolutely terrifying moments of my exchange on the lawn of St. Paul’s First Lutheran church.