Written July 9, 2020
Warrior at church by the tree of tresspass.
Thank you Allies!!
Faced with injustice you put this Institution on notice and they are LISTENING. You’ve done a phenomenal job expressing your rage and my soul quakes in gratitude. Your rage is also absolutely justified. What I experienced at St Paul First Lutheran church is now seared into my existence.
I went back to that church yesterday. I sat with friends and strangers who were concerned for me & committed to this fight. The church leaders invited me inside and shared their sorrow at the circumstances. They admitted to a prevalence of racist white supremacist views within their congregation, across several diocese, and across Christianity as a whole. That was an extremely courageous admission on their part and I commend them for their honesty. Those church leaders also promised me that they will educate themselves further on the Antiracist movement as they self assess, reform, & lovingly usher their congregation into this new AntiRacist era. I acknowledge the difficult journey ahead of them, yet remain so proud of their willingness to do so.
I believe the apology I received from the leadership in this church.
Time will tell whether they commit to the AntiRacist education that they have promised me they will. Now that they are listening, I invite everyone to contact them with a more nuanced compassionate messaging. Yes, volunteers of this church presented themselves to me expressing deep unconscious biases favoring racism. They earned our ire. However, I reminded the church leadership that to be labelled a racist does not have to be a condemnation. It is an opportunity for self assessment. Those racist-presenting people exist on a spectrum of racism. Most people do. Racism is part of the DNA of this nation and we are all a product of our environment. However, presenting racist qualities does not have to be a condemnation as long as you are willing to reform & remain staunchly committed to the AntiRacist fight. The leaders of this church promise me that they are.
I’ve heard of allies planning to return to St Paul First Lutheran for this Sunday’s services at 9a and 11a. I plan to be in attendance outside, & perhaps I will join them if they will have me, wearing a mask of course. Instead of protest, let’s offer St Paul First Lutheran a support community as we welcome them back to their church. Still bring your signs. Honk your horns. None of our messaging needs to change, because we have done no wrong asking to be heard. May they see us & hear us expressing our SUPPORT as they embark on their journey. They heard our concern at their racist-presenting behavior (again, not a condemnation). I am truly so grateful to be Heard. Now, let them know we acknowledge their COURAGE as they face the hard work of growth through self reflection. I will be there to support them in that.
They can re-emerge from their church and return to the world receiving love from their community as they actively pursue their AntiRacism.
That’s the Growth that matters.
Churches should teach their congregations that the coded language behind All Lives Matter is not a political stance. It is a moral one. Churches can not turn a blind eye to their moral obligation to protect those who suffer. Those who are oppressed. All church establishments are encouraged to shift their identities in defense of the moral right. Call out corruption and racist views with compassion. Call it out within others, and especially within oneself. Grow in Antiracist awareness.
Defend the oppressed and the disenfranchised.
All of us on this earth bear witness to the systemic struggles of others from day to day. Spread AntiRacist love to people who need it. Spread Antiracist love to those who don’t know they need it.
You’re either actively AntiRacist or you’re Lost.
This will be true for the rest of our lives.
Be a witness & spread the AntiRacist word.
Hold everyone to account.